Three moisture-proof methods of packing carton storage
Three moisture-proof methods of packing carton storage
Corrugated cartons are affordable and durable, but the edges of the cartons can easily be damaged if not noticed during storage, especially in the rainy season, when the moist environment is easy to make the cartons soft, how to effectively prevent cartons damp 3 ways as follows:
1. Storage Carton or plant must be good sealing, or the rainy season, fog weather or day and night temperature difference is very vulnerable to moisture, change the hardness of cardboard.
2. Carton storage in the bureau floor need to leave a gap, can use wood shelf, there should be some air circulation below the space, so as to avoid the impact of moisture on the ground.
3. If storage conditions allow, you can store the configuration of Dehumidifier, general production of air-conditioning Carton Manufacturers can purchase the warehouse dedicated dehumidifier, these are the most simple and most fundamental method of moisture.