Food packaging hazards often show up in unexpected places
Food packaging hazards often show up in unexpected places
Bright color, ink into a hidden danger. Bright colors mean more ink is used, which increases the chance of heavy metals and solvents in the ink migrating into and out of the bag. Once the harmful substances invade the contents of the package, it will inevitably cause great safety problems.
Toys in snacks, dangerous. To entice children to buy them, more and more snacks are included with small toys. These small toys are often packed in a thin plastic bag and mixed with snacks. This is easy to lead to the plastic bag containing toys and snacks of grease reaction out of harmful substances, if the plastic bag is broken, plastic toys will pollute the snacks.
Plastic can't hold hot or greasy food. Now people use a lot of plastic bag materials, some such as polyethylene, polypropylene is a safe plastic, can be used to contain food, and many restaurants, breakfast stalls used film plastic bags are mostly made of PVC can not contain food processing. With them just out of the pot of fritters, hot pasta, etc., it is possible to lead to harmful substances oozing out, a long time is easy to cause chronic poisoning.
Choose food packaging, do "one look, two smell, three hands".
Take a look at the outer packaging is not damaged, there is no food production license QS logo, whether marked with a clear production and warranty date;
Two smell whether the food packaging smell, especially with the food in direct contact with the packaging, such as the supermarket cooked food area disposable meal box and plastic wrap, if the packaging bag has a fragrance, it is also best to be careful, food packaging must be tasteless, because some scented packaging bags may contain excessive volatile substances;
Three hands means to feel the food packaging with your hands, rub it with your hands, see if it fades, stretch it, and see if it is easy to break. We usually in addition to the safety of the food itself, but also pay attention to the safety of food packaging. Because the packaging will also affect the food, which brings the hidden danger of physical disease.